Ongame: Bestla VC’s Strategic Investment

In the realm of gaming innovation, Bestla VC has strategically invested in Ongame, an immersive fantasy world where players embark on a journey of exploration, development, and conquest. Through the integration of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) technologies, Ongame offers players unprecedented ownership and decision-making opportunities within its captivating universe. Empowering Players with […]

Bestla VC’s Investment in Aleo: Promoting Applied Cryptography and Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Decentralized Technologies

Aleo Network is at the forefront of promoting the potential of applied cryptography and zero-knowledge proofs in the realm of decentralized technologies like the internet. Bestla VC’s investment in Aleo is not just a financial commitment but a strategic initiative to empower developer education and exploration in this critical domain. Fostering an Educational Sandbox Aleo’s […]